Kolev, Z., 2017. Rubrapterus bavius (Eversmann, 1832), a butterfly genus and species new to Bulgaria (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). — ZooNotes, 114: 1—4. [PDF]
Shtinkov, N., Kolev, Z., Vila, R., Dincă, V., 2016. The sibling species Leptidea juvernica and L. sinapis (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in the Balkan Peninsula: ecology, genetic structure, and morphological variation. — Zoology, 119 (1): 11—20. [PDF]
Kolev, Z., Shtinkov, N., 2016. The Pygmy Skipper Gegenes pumilio: a new species to Bulgaria, and a confirmation of its occurrence in the Eastern Balkan Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). — Phegea, 44: 17—22. [PDF]
Kolev, Z., Shtinkov, N., 2015. Notes on the distribution and conservation status of the Violet Copper Lycaena helle (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Bulgaria. — Phegea, 43: 15—21. [PDF]
Shtinkov, N., Kolev, Z., 2014. Pyrgus andromedae (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) at the southernmost limit of its distribution: the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria. — Phegea, 42: 42—46. [PDF]
Kolev, Z., Kullberg, J., Paukkunen, J., 2010. [Euchloe ausonia (Hübner, 1803): a genus and species new to Finland and North Europe]. — Baptria, 2/2010: 42—43. (in Finnish) [PDF]
Kolev, Z., 2010. A significant range extension for Pyrgus cacaliae (Rambur, 1839) with the first record from the western Balkan Peninsula (Hesperiidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 33: 107—113. [PDF]
Dincă, V., Kolev, Z., Verovnik, R., 2010. The distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Spinose Skipper Muschampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) at the western limit of its range in Europe (Hesperiidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 33: 39—57. [PDF]
Kolev, Z., 2005. Notes on the distribution and ecology of Balkan populations of the Plebeius idas - group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Phegea, 33: 13—22. [PDF]
Kolev, Z., 2005. New data on the taxonomic status and distribution of Polyommatus andronicus Coutsis & Ghavalas, 1995 (Lycaenidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 28: 35—48. [PDF]