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Chavdar Karov

(MSc, mineralogist)
phone: (+359 87) 7089044; (+359 2) 9885116 (ext. 621); e-mail:

Born: 11 February 1963, Shumen.
Education: University of Mining and Geology (1988).
Speciality: mineralogy.

Research interests

Special sciences interests closely connected with investigate of mineralogical and geochemical characterisation of pegmatite and aplit-pegmatite vain especially in non-granit-Ca-alcal plutons as well skarn and hydrotermal minerals. History of mineral collections.

Current projects

Enrich and investigation of funds and constructing and reconstructing of exposition from subject on nature in National Museum of Natural History
Composition, distribution and characteristic of pegmatite minerals, skarn and hydrotermal deposits in Bulgaria
Mineralogy of pegmatite from Vitosha pluton - dissertation work in project of development

Most recent publications

Kostov-Kytin, V., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., Nikolova, R., 2020. New investigations on the columbite from Vishteritsa locality, Western Rhodopes. — Comptes rendus de l’Acade ́mie bulgare des Sciences, 73 (5): 657—665. [PDF]

Каров, Ч., Петрусенко, С., 2012. Авторски минераложки образци от фондовете на Националния природонаучен музей при Българската академия на науките, използвани в научни публикации. — Сп. БГД, 73: 143—151. [PDF]

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2009. The mineralogical exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia (Bulgaria) —120 years of its establishment. — ProGEO NEWSLETTER, 3: 5—7.

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2008. The mineralogical exposition of the National Museum of Natural History — Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. — Mineralogical Museums. Saint-Petersburg, pp. 91—92.

Петрусенко, С., Каров, Ч., Димитров, И., 2008. Минераложката експозиция на Националния природонаучен музей при Българска академия на науките. — Сп. БГД, 69 (1—3): 97—100. [PDF]

Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2006. A catalogue of the mineral species in the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (part 3) — Borates; Phosphates, Arsenates and Vanadates; Wolframates and Molybdates; Sulphates, Selenites and Tellurites; Chromates; Carbonates; Nitrates and Iodates; Organic minerals. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 17: 5—26. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043236

Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2004. A catalogue of the mineral species in National Museum of Natural History (Sofia) — (part 2) — (Silicates). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 16: 7—45. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043140

Арнаудов, В., Петрусенко, С., Каров, Ч., 2004. Еволюция на турмалинообразуването в палеозойски пегматити от Софийското и Ихтиманското Средногорие. — Юбилейна научна сесия — 90 г. на акад. Иван Костов. Минерогенезис, 2004: 18—19.

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., 2003. The Vitosha minerals. — Minno Delo i Geologia Journal, 8: 23—27.

Арнаудов, В., Петрусенко, С., Каров, Ч., 2003. Шерл, фоитит и дравит в пегматити от метаморфната мантия на Планския плутон, Югозападна България. — Геох., минер. и петрол., 40: 97—107.

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