Original description: Hoffmann, C. A. S., 1811. Grossular — Handbuch der Mineralogie, Craz und Gerlach, Freiberg: 479—481 [
view in ‘Library’].
Type locality: Akhtaragda River mouth, Vilyuy River Basin, Sakha Republic, Far Eastern District, Russia.
Type material: unknown.
Etymology: originally named ‘kanalstein’, cinnamon stone and renamed grossularite for the green colour of gooseberries,
Ribes grossularium, because the original specimens were this colour.
many localities: Austria: Tirol, Zillertal; Canada: Quebec; Italy: Piedmont; Kenya; Mexico: Chihuahua; Russia: at the confluence of the Vilyuy and Akhtaragda Rivers, Sakha Republic; Tanzania: Merelani (