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Education (3). Photo: (c) NMNHS


NMNHS scientists deliver lectures and seminars in the Sofia University. NMNHS scientists of academic ranks serve as thesis advisors to doctorate degree candidates from the universities in Sofia, Plovdiv and Shumen, the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research and other scientific institutions.

Education (2). Photo: (c) NMNHS
Education (1). Photo: (c) NMNHS

NMNH-BAS has an accreditation under the doctoral programs “Zoology” and “Entomology” with a validity period of 6 years. Every year 3—5 doctoral students are trained and get their degrees at the museum.
Through its internship programs, the National Museum of Natural History gives a hand of motivated students from various specialities who are willing to help develop the museum by participating in research projects, educational programs and creative initiatives.
Researchers at the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences develop various educational programs and trainings.