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Dimitar Dimitrov

(Professor Dr)
Born: 18 April 1950, Sofia.
Education: Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ (1973).
Speciality: botany.

Research interests

Taxonomy, floristics, phytogeography, plant physiology.

Current projects

New horological data of vascular plants from different floristic regions of Bulgarian flora
Prepearing of scientific and popular album of threatened and rare species of Bulgarian vascular plants
Inventarisation of meadows and pastures in Bulgaria: 2001—2004
Investigation of the vegetation In the region of Burgas lakes


Ivanov, D., Filipova-Marinova, M., Dimitrov, D., 2002. Flora and vegetation of the Nature Complex of Kamchia. — Bull. Du Musee Nat. Varna, 32—33: 314—341.

Filipova-Marinova, M., Ivanov, D., Dimitrov, D., 2002. Flora and vegetation of the area of the Shabla and Ezeretz lakes. — Bull. Du Musee Nat. Varna, 32—33: 341—365.

Markovska, Y., Dimitrov, D., 2000. Ecophysiological characteristics of the endemic species Inula aschersoniana Jka (Asteraceae). — Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 53 (12): 99—102.

Pavlova, D., Dimitrov, D., Nikolova, M., 1999. Oxytropis kozhuharovii (Fabaceae), a new species from Bulgaria. — Willdenowia, 29: 69—75.