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Oregon sunstone — specimen 0447, photo © NMNHS
Oregon sunstone — specimen 0447, photo © NMNHS

Oregon sunstonespecimen 0447


North America
USA, Oregon
Oregon sunstone — specimen 0447, locality map

Weight: 0.53 ct; size: 6.03 | 4.12 | 2.88 mm; shape: octagon; colour: light reddish orange; very slightly brownish; clarity: eye clean; cut: good; treatment: none.

Very clean specimen; good step cut style. Source: Gary Eisenberg, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Other specimens
Oregon sunstone — specimen 0723Oregon sunstone — specimen 0008Oregon sunstone — specimen 0038Oregon sunstone — specimen 0446

More information from ‘Classification’

A feldspar with copper inclusions; has a composition of about 70% anorthite and 30% albite; occurs in Oregon, USA.