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Nikolai Spassov [publications] (5)

Spassov, N., Iliev, N., 1997. The wild horses of East Europe and the polyphylethic origin of the domestic horse. — Proceedings of the 7-ICAZ Congress. Anthropozoologica, 25—26: 753—761. [PDF]

Spassov, N., Georgiev, K., Ivanova, N., 1997. Status of Vormela peregusna peregusna Gould. in Bulgaria and a Management plan of its population in the country. — In: Biodiversity and Ecological Problems of Balkan Fauna. Abstracts. Inst. of Zoology, Sofia.

Spassov, N., 1997. Villafranchian Succession of Mammalian Megafaunas from Bulgaria and the Biozonation of South-East Europe. — In: Aguilar, J.-P., Legendre, S., & Michaux, J. (eds), Actes du Congres Biochrom ’97. Mémoires et travaux de l’Institut de Montpellier de l’École Pratique des Hautes 21: 669—676.

Spassov, N., 1997. Varshets and Slivnitsa — new localities of Villafranchian vertebrate fauna from Bulgaria (taxonomic composition, Biostratigraphy and Climatostratigraphy). — Geologica Balcanica. Sofia, 27 (1—2): 83—90.

Spassov, N., 1997. The Villafranchian mammalian fauna and its investigation in Europe, on the Balkans and in Bulgaria. — Geologica Balcanica. Sofia, 27 (3—4): 83—94.

Spassov, N., 1997. Evidences for a late pleistocene isolation and a separate taxonomic status of the Mediterranean brown bear and the conservation value of the Balkan bear population. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 109—113.

Iliev, N., Spassov, N., Liubenova, V., 1997. Investigations on the Processing of Animal Bone Material Found in the Archaeological Site of Arbanas near Radomir (I—III Centuries). — Annuary of the National Museum of Archaeology. Sofia, Vol. 10: 185—200.

Boeuf, O., Cregut, E., Koufos, G., Flynn, L., Michaux, J., Radulescu, C., Spassov, N., Tersea, E., Torre, D., 1997. Biochronologie du Pliocene. — In: Aguilar, J.-P., Legendre, S., & Michaux, J. (eds), Actes du Congres Biochrom ’97. Mémoires et travaux de l’Institut de Montpellier de l’École Pratique des Hautes 21: 799—802.

Aguilar, J.-P., Spassov, N. et al., 1997. Syntheses et tablaux de correlations. — In: Actes du Congres Biochrom’97. Mem. Trav. E.P.H.E., Inst. Montpellier, 21: 799—802.

Spassov, N., Simeonovski, V., Spiridonov, G., 1996. Coloration Patterns of Felis silvestris and of Hybrids of Wild and Domestic Cats: The Issue of Population Purity. — In: (N. Botev, ed.). Proc. of the Internat. Union of Game Biologists. XXII Congress ‘The Game and the Man’, pp. 197—201. September, 1955 — Pensoft, Sofia.

Spassov, N., Spiridonov, G., Georgiev, K., Ivanov, V., 1995. Status of the bear in Bulgaria. — European bear Life project — reports. Nimpheon. Arcturos.

Spassov, N., Lange-Badre, B., 1995. Asiavorator altidens gen et sp. nov., un mammifere carnivore nouveau de l’Oligocene superieur de Mongolie. — Annales de Paleontologie, 81 (3): 109—123. [PDF]

Spassov, N., 1995. Taxonomic and Conservation Status of the Bulgarian and the Balkan Brown Bear. — International Bear News, 3 (4): 10.

Spassov, N., 1995. Contemporary Development of the Vertebrates Paleontology in Bulgaria. — EUROPAL. Lyon, 7: 43—44.

Peev, D., Mechinev, T., Spassov, N., Spiridonov, G., Yankov, P., Mileva, L., Velichkov, V., Karapetkova, M., Andreev, L., 1995. La Bulgarie — Patrimoine Natuel. — Tilia, Sofia, 191 pp.

Spassov, N., Iliev, N., 1994. Animal Remains from the Submerged Late Eneolithic — Early Bronze Age Settlement Near Sozopol (The South Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria). — In: M. Lazarov & Ch. Angelova (eds). La Thrace et les sociétés maritimes anciennes, 18—24 September, 1994. Sozopol. Tracia Pontica, (Proceedings of the International Symposium) VI., Series 1. Sozopol, pp. 287—314.

Spassov, N., 1994. The Wolf in Bulgaria. — International Wolf. Minnesota. 2: 17.

Spassov, N., 1994. Teniseggysodon nom. nov. pro Tenisia Reshetov, Spassov, Baishashov, 1993 (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Hyracodontidae). — Geobios, 27 (2): 220.

Spassov, N., Spiridonov, G., 1993. Vormela peregusna Gueld., 1770 — Tigeriltiss. — In: Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas. Aula Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Band 5/II (Carnivora), pp. 817—854.

Reshetov, J., Spassov, N., BaIshashov, B., 1993. On the taxonomic status of Eggysodon (= Epiaceratherium = Allacerops) turgaicum (Borrisiak,1915), (Hyracodontidae, Perissodactyla). — Geobios, 26 (6): 715—722. [PDF]

Demeter, A., Spassov, N., 1993. Canis aureus L., 1785 — schakal. — In: Demeter, A., Gorgas, M., Jakubiec, Z., Lüps, P., Nowak, E., Peters, G., Pulliainen, E., Spassov, N., Wandeler, A. P. Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas. (Niethammer, J., Krapp, F., eds). Aula Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Band 5/I (Carnivora). [PDF]

Илиев, Н., Боев, З., Спасов, Н., 1993. Животински костен материал от римския град Рациария (II — IV в.) край с. Арчар, Михайловградска област. — Археология, БАН, 4: 52—59. [PDF]

Spassov, N., 1992. Skeletal morphology, ecology and competition of the Aurochs and European bison in the Holocene of Europe. — in: Proceedings of the Symposium ‘Ungulates 91’, Toulouse 2—6 September 1991. IRGM — I.N.R.A. Toulouse, pp. 57—61. [PDF]

Spassov, N., 1992. Display and hyperbolization of signal symbols: Camels and Two-horn Rhinoceroses. — in: Proceedings of the simposium. ‘Ungulates 91’, Toulouse 2—6 september 1991. IRGM — I.N.R.A., Toulouse, pp. 467—470.

Илиев, Н., Боев, З., Спасов, Н., 1992. Животински кости от късноантична вила и ранновизантийско селище в кв. Бела вода, Перник. — Археология, БАН, 1: 44—53. [PDF]

Spassov, N., 1991. The Musk ox in Eurasia — Extinct at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary or survivor to Historical Times. — Cryptozoology. Allen Press, Inc, 10: 4—15.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., 1990. Status of the lynx in Bulgaria. — p. 13 in: Breitenmoser, U., Breitenmoser-Wursten, C. (eds). Status, conservation needs and reintroduction of the lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe. Nature and Environment Series, No 45, Council of Europe. Strasburg, 48 pp.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., 1990. Status of the bear (Ursus arctos 1.) in Bulgaria. — In: Bear status report from Europe. Aquilo. Ser. Zool., 27: 71—75.

Spassov, N., 1990. On the presence and specific position of Pangolins (Gen. Manis L.: Pholidota) in North Mozambique. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 2.

Spassov, N., 1990. Note on the colouration and taxonomic status of the bear (Ursus arctos L.) in Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 2.

Spassov, N., 1990. Formation and change of the Holocene Mammalian Fauna of Bulgaria (Southeast Europe, Balkan Peninsula). — Abstracts. I.C.A.Z. Sixth international conference, May 21—25, 1990. Nat. Mus. of Nat. Hist. Simthsonian Inst., Washington D.C.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., 1989. The otter (Lutra lutra L, 1785) in Bulgaria., its status and conservation. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 1: 57—64.

Spassov, N., 1989. The position of jackals in the Canis Genus and life-history of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) in Bulgaria and the Balkans. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 1: 44—56.

Spassov, N., 1989. Signallings — Communicative marking in the coloration of the Genus Canis L. — Proceedings of the fifth international theriological congress. Rome 22—25 August 1989.

Spassov, N., 1989. On the taxonomic status of Indricotherium Borissiak and the giant Rhinocerotoids — Indricotheres (Perissodactylia). — Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 42 (3): 61—64. [PDF]

Спасов, Н., Боев, З., Помаков, Вл., 1989. Кой се хвана в клопката? — в. 'Антени', бр. 13 (949). 29.03.1989: 4. [PDF]

Spassov, N., Roche, J., 1988. Le daman de Johnston — nouveau representant du genre Procavia pour la faune du Mozambique. — Mammalia, Paris, No. 2. 169—174.

Spassov, N., 1988. Les recherches archeozoologiques de Kovachevo et les problemes du developpment de la faune des Mammiferes holocenes dans l’Europe de l’Est. — Mission archeologique bulgaro-francaise de la vallee de la Struma. Fouilles neolithiques de Kovachevo. Rapport No. 3, campagne 1988.

Spassov, N., 1988. A review of some paleocryptozoological hypotheses. — Cryptozoology. Allen Press, Inc. Lawrence, vol 7: 101—102.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., Mileva, L., 1987. Macromammalia of the Boatin and Tsarichina biosphere reserves. — In: Tsarichina Biosphere Reserve in Stara Planina. Pol. Acad. Sci. & Bulg. Acad. Sci., Krakow: 91—103.

Spiridonov, G., Mileva, L., Spassov, N., 1987. Nesting Ornitofauna of the Tsarichina Biosphere Reserve. — In: Tsarichina Biosphere Reserve in Stara Planina. Pol. Acad. Sci. & Bulg. Acad. Sci., Krakow: 104—121.

Thomas, H., Spassov, N., Kojumdjieva, E., Poidevin, J. L., Sen, S., Tassy, P., Visset, D., 1986. Neogene vertebrate fauna from Dorkovo, West Rodophe. — Geol. Balcanica, (16), 6, Sofia.

Thomas, H., Spassov, N., Kojumdjieva, E., Poideven, J.-L., Popov, V., Sen, S., Tassy, P., Visset, D., 1986. Resultats preliminaires de la premiere mission paleontologique franco-bulgare a Dorkovo (arrondissement de Pazardjik) en Bulgarie. — C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 302, Serie II, No. 16: 1037—1042.

Spassov, N., Iliev, N., 1986. Bone remains of the European Bison — Bison bonasus L. in the Medieval Settlement of Garvan, Silistra Distr., Bulgaria. — (p. 68) In: Vazarova J., 1986, Mittelalterliche Siedlung Garvan, Bezirk Silistra (VI—XI Jhd). Publ. House of the Bulg. Acad. of Sci., Sofia, 203 pp.

Spassov, N., Barichnikov, G., 1986. Premiere decouverte de I’hermine sur le versant meridional du grand Caucase (Georgie). — Mammalia, 50 (1): 123—125.

Spassov, N., 1986. Cryptozoology: Its Scope and Progress. — Cryptozoology. Allen Press, Inc. Lawrence, No. 5: 120—124.

Spassov, N., 1986. Complex French-Bulgarian Palentological Expedition near Dorkovo (Western Rhodopes). — Priroda, Sofia, 2: 45—50.

Spiridonov, G., Spassov, N., 1985. The Wolf, Canis lupus L., 1758; The Lynx Felis lynx L., 1758; The Bear — Ursus arctos L., 1758. — In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., 1985.

Spassov, N., Spiridonov, G., 1985. The Pine Marten. Martes martes L., 1758; The Steppe Polecat. Mustela eversmanni Lesson, 1827; The Marbled Polecat. Vormela peregusna Guldenstaedt, 1770; The Otter. Lutra lutra L., 1758. — In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., 1985

Spassov, N., 1985. Musteola lutreola, L. 1761; The European Mink. — In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 2, Animals, Publ. House of the Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., 1985.

— 265 publications
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