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Assoc. Prof. Svetoslav Petrussenko, emerald deposit — Urdini Lakes, Rila
Assoc. Prof. Svetoslav Petrussenko, emerald deposit — Urdini Lakes, Rila

Svetoslav Petrussenko

(Associate Professor)

Personal data

Born 3 December 1933 in Sofia.

1960 — graduated in Geochemistry at Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’;
1960—1961 — geologist in Geological Research — Chepelare site;
1961—1972 — specialist in mineralogy at the Geological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
1972—1986 — Assistant at the National Museum of Natural History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
1986—1994 — Assoc. Prof. and head of Mineralogy Department at the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Speaks Russian and German.

Professional activity

Studied the magmatic and metamorphic processes and related minerals in the skarn formations in the Rila-Rhodopi geological area. Published the first data of the desilicated pegmatites in the Urdini Circus and finds there the first emerald deposit in the country, along with other rare minerals (chrysoberyl — the alexandrite variety, pink clinozoisite, fuchsite, etc.). At his request, the Urdini Lakes area was proclaimed nature conservation site in 1985 (the first for minerals in Bulgaria!). He also participated in the creation of protected nature parks of Vitosha, Rila and the Rhodopes, along with flora and fauna.

Scientific activity

Author of over 80 scientific articles published in specialised editions in the country and abroad. Most of them are related to the study of the geology and mineralogy of Rila. Has written about 20 popular works.

His is the minerals part in the book ‘The Magic of Rila’. The first topo-minerarological map of Rila, with descriptions of some characteristic and rare minerals, has been made.

He has made a significant contribution to the development of mineralogical exhibitions in the natural history and regional museums in the country and is a scientific consultant.

He is a member of the Bulgarian and Ukrainian mineralogical societies, as well as ProGeo (Sweden).

Most recent publications

Minčeva-Stefanova, J., Petrussenko, S., Krusteva, M., Sokerov, D., 2017. Composite calcite crystals from the ‘Surneshko Kladenche’ deposit, Rossen ore district. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 24: 121—126. [PDF]

Арнаудов, В., Петрусенко, С., 2014. Сто години от рождението на академик Иван Костов (1913—2013). — Минно дело и геология.

Петрусенко, С., Петрусенко, В. П., 2013. Династия Петрусенко в Болгарий. — В книг. Белоэмигранты в Болгарий. Воспоминания, Москва, ‘Синержи’ с. 433—443.

Петрусенко, С., 2013. Вълшебството на Рила, част 2 — Езикът на природата — рилските минерали. — изд. Кибеа, с. 131—174.

Чумаченко, П., Дитл, О., Петрусенко, С., Лисенко-Чехларова, И., 2012. Български геолози от руски произход. — ‘Геонауки’, сборник БГД, с. 159—160.

Каров, Ч., Петрусенко, С., 2012. Авторски минераложки образци от фондовете на Националния природонаучен музей при Българската академия на науките, използвани в научни публикации. — Сп. БГД, 73: 143—151. [PDF]

Арнаудов, В., Петрусенко, С., Станчева, Е., 2012. Минерален и химичен състав на нечисти мрамори (магнезиално-силикатни калцифири) от Рила планина. — Сп. БГД, 73: 5—25. [PDF]

Петрусенко, С., 2010. Лунни проби в Националния природонаучен музей. — Сп. Мин. дело и геол., 3—4: 47—48. [PDF]

Петрусенко, С., 2010. Глухарите — пъстрия свят на гастролитите в тях. — Лов и риболов, 8: 26—28.

Petrussenko, S., Karov, Ch., Dimitrov, I., 2009. The mineralogical exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia (Bulgaria) —120 years of its establishment. — ProGEO NEWSLETTER, 3: 5—7.

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