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Mikhail Iliev
Mikhail Iliev

Mikhail Iliev

(PhD student)
phonе: (+359 88) 9104315; e-mail:

Born 29 May 1984, Montana.


2022— — National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, PhD candidate, speciality zoology of vertebrates.
2007—2008 — Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Biological Faculty, MSc degree in Ecology.
2003—2007 — Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Biological Faculty, BSc degree in Ecology and environmental protection.

Research interests

Ornithology, conservation ecology, zoogeography.

Current projects

Conservation of the Red-breasted Goose along the Global Flyway LIFE16/NAT/BG/000847. Program Life — EU (2017—2022)
Demonstration of a pilot green infrastructure as a win-win solution for biodiversity and development in Lake Varna, LIFE19NAT/BG/000839. Program LIFE — EU (2020—2025)
Mapping of breeding territories and search for nests of Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga pomarina) in Suha reka (BG0002048), Harsovska reka (BG002039) and Batova (BG0002082) SPAs, LIFE18/NAT/BG/001051. Program Life — EU (2019—2024)

National Action Plans for species and habitats

Petkov, N., Iliev, M., 2018. Action plan for the protection of the Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) in Bulgaria (2018—2027)

Field experience

Bulgaria (since 2003), Turkey (2013, 2016, 2017, 2018), Romania (2014, 2021), Germany (2015), Albania (2016, 2017), Northern Macedonia (2016, 2018), Kazakhstan (2019, 2021).


Demerdzhiev, D. A., Dobrev, D. D., Delchev, A. G., Angelov, I. D., Terziev, N. G., Iliev, M. D., Georgiev, G. S., Boev, Z. N., Nedyalkov, N. P., Arkumarev, V. S., 2023. Distribution, population status, habitats, and conservation of Lesser Spotted Eagle in Bulgaria. — Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2023, Suppl. 2: 32—34. doi:10.19074/1814-8654-2023-2-32-34 [PDF]

Petkov, N., Iliev, M., Popgeorgiev, G., 2018. Ornithological Survey and Evaluation of Potential Natura 2000 sites in Macedonia. — Technical report under Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia (PZP), 42 pp. [PDF]

Mladenov, V., Georgieva, R., Iliev, M., Barzova, Y., Djulgerova, S., Topi, M., Lleshi, R., Nikolov, S. C., 2018. Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon. — Acrocephalus, 39 (176/177): 7—25. [PDF]

Iliev, M., Barzova, Y., 2016. State and Distribution of the Breeding Avifauna in Key Biodiversity Area of Butrint, Albania. — Technical report under the CEPF project Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline (ID: 62721). BSPB et PPNEA, 47 pp. [PDF]

Oppel, S., Iankov, P., Mumun, S., Gerdzhikov, G., Iliev, M., Isfendiyaroğlu, S., Yeniyurt, C., Tabur, E., 2014. Identification of the best sites around the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey, for monitoring the autumn migration of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus and other diurnal raptors. — Sandgrouse, 36: 240—249. [PDF]

Gerdzhikov, G., Iliev, M., Nikolov, S., 2014. Study on the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) autumn migration, NE Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 66 (2): 283—292. [PDF]

Georgiev, K., Iliev, M., 2014. Numbers and arrival dynamics of communally roosting magpies (Pica pica) in the dendrological park of the University of Forestry—Sofia, Bulgaria. — Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 23 (suppl.): 250—253. [PDF]