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Antoniya Hubancheva
Antoniya Hubancheva

Antoniya Hubancheva

(Member of the Bat Research and Conservation Centre)
phone: (+359 88) 5088895; e-mail:

Born on: 17 December 1987 in Sofia.

Education: Master of Science in Ecology, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012; Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Conservation Biology, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010.

Research interests

Sensory ecology; distribution and ecology of bats; conservation biology; science communication.

Research experience

National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Bulgaria. Bat intern &38; specialist — 2008—current
University of Bristol, UK / African Bat Conservation, Malawi. Research assistant — 2014-2015
Siemers Bat Research Station in Bulgaria (SBRS), Max Plank Institute for Ornithology. Station manager — 2014
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), Panama. Intern — 2013
University of Bern, Switzerland. Visiting scientist — 2013
Max Plank Institute for Ornithology, Sensory Ecology Group. Graduate student and field assistant — 2008—2012
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, United States Geological Survey, USA. Internship — 2012

Public outreach representing the NMNH

Journal club of Life Science for graduate and postgraduate students, founder and coordinator — 2013—present
Public talks about the importance of bats and science in universities, schools, kindergartens, radio and TV programs in Bulgaria and abroad — 2009—present
International Bat Night in Bulgaria. UNEP/EUROBATS initiative. National and/or local coordinator — 2009—2013
'Seeing in the Dark' an international project raising awareness about the life of blind people. Funded by the Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs. Assistant coordinator — 2013
Sofia Science Festival. British Council. Participant — 2014—2015
'Be a Bechstein’s Bat' theatre performances designed to raise public awareness on the importance of the forest dwelling bats. European Science Events Association. Scientific advisor, coordinator and participant — 2010—2011

Conference presentations

XV Student Conference on Conservation Science, Cambridge University, UK — 2014 — 'Bats — nightmare or night care?' — poster presentation
XVI International Bat Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica — 2013 — 'Is there something strange in the diet of Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii?' — poster presentation
XII European Bat Research Symposium, Vilnius, Lithuania — 2011 — 'What do South-east European mouse-eared bats eat?' — oral presentation
XI Anniversary International Scientific Conference 'Biology: Traditions and Challenges' — 2009 — University of Sofia, Bulgaria. 'Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of Osogovska Planina Mountain' — oral presentation


Langourov, M., Georgieva, A., Hubancheva, A., Simov, N., 2015. Two Cases of Myiases Caused by Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on Noctule Bats (Nyctalus noctula Schreber, 1774) (Chiroptera) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 67 (1): 143—146. [PDF]

Hubancheva, A., 2009. Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Osogovska Planina Mountain — results from a survey carried in 2008. — Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 23/2009/se 120 years of Academic Education in Biology, special edition, 72—76 pp.