Naumov, B., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Plachiyski, D., Stojanov, A., Tzankov, N., 2020. Distribution and Ecology of the Alpine Newt Ichthyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) (Amphibia: Salamandridae) in Bulgaria. — Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 72 (1): 83—102.
Popgeorgiev, G., Naumov, B., Kornilev, Y., Vergilov, V., Slavchev, M., Lukanov, S., Dyugmegdzhiev, A., Stoyanov, A., Dobrev, D., Tzankov, N., 2019. Diversity and Distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Bulgarian Part of the Lower Danube. — p. 283—314.
Цанков, Н., Стоянов, А., Добрев, Д., Луканов, С., Корнилев, Ю., Андонов, К., Вергилов, В., Попгеоргиев, Г., 2017. Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792). — стр. 110—113. В: Тричкова, Т., Владимиров, В., Томов, Р., Тодоров, М. (ред.): Атлас на инвазивните чужди видове от значение за Европейския съюз, ИБЕИ-БАН, ESENIAS, София, 176 стр. [PDF]
Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Kornilev, Y., Natchev, N., Stoyanov, A., Naumov, B., Ivanchev, I., 2015. First survey on the invasive Pond slider (Trachemys scripta) in Bulgaria: historic development and current situation. — Hyla, 2015: 18—27. [PDF]
Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Stojanov, A., Naumov, B., Westerström, A., Dyugmedziev, A., Kornilev, Y., 2014. Diurnal and seasonal activity patterns in viperid snakes (Serpentes: Viperidae) in Bulgaria. — 38 p. 4th Biology of the Vipers conference, Athens, Greece, 10th—13th October, 59 pp.
Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G. S., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., Kornilev, Y. V., Petrov, B., Dyugmedzhiev, A., Vergilov, V., Dragomirova, R., Lukanov, S., Westerström, A., 2014. Identification guide to the amphibians and reptiles in Vitosha Nature Park. — Directorate of Vitosha Nature Park, Sofia, 248 pp. [PDF]
Stojanov, A., Dyugmedziev, A., Tzankov, N., 2014. Effects of environmental factors on the activity of the Adder (Vipera berus bosniensis) in Bulgaria. — 37 p. 4th Biology of the Vipers conference, Athens, Greece, 10th—13th October, 59 pp.
Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y. V., Plachiyski, D., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., 2014. Changes in agri-environmental practices pose a threat to the herpetofauna: a case study from Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), southern Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 5: 157—169.
Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y. V., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., 2014. Amphibians and Reptiles in Ponor Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), western Bulgaria: species diversity, distribution and conservation. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 5: 85—96. [PDF]
Дюгмеджиев, А., Стоянов, А., Цанков, Н., 2013. Някои аспекти от екологията и биологията на женските усойници (Vipera berus bonsiensis) на Витоша. — Студентска научна конференция ‘Екология и околна среда’ 1 март 2013, сборник с резюмета: 27—28.
Tzankov, N., Stoyanov, A., 2011. Northern Crested Newt Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768). — In: Golemanski, V. (editor-in-chief), 2011. Red Data book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 2. Animals. IBER-BAS & MOEW, Sofia (online edition).
Stoyanov, A., Tzankov, N., Naumov, B., 2011. Die Amphiben und Reptilien Bulgariens. — Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, 588 pp.
Naumov, B., Tzankov, N., Popgeorgiev, G., Stoyanov, A., Kornilev, Y., 2011. The Dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in Bulgaria: a contribution to the morphology and chorology. — Mertensiella, 18: 288—298.
Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Naumov, B., Kornilev, Y. V., Stojanov, A., 2010. Species diversity of amphibians and reptilians in the special protected area ‘Ponor’. — 122 p. Northwestern Bulgaria. Annual zoological congress of ‘Grigore Antipa’ Museum, 17—19 November 2010, Bucharest — Romania, 132 pp.
Popgeorgiev, G., Tzankov, N., Kornilev, Y. V., Naumov, B., Stojanov, A., 2010. Species diversity of amphibians and reptiles in the special protected area ‘Besaparski Ridove’, southern Bulgaria. — Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, special edition (Second Balkan conference of biology 21—23 may 2010, Plovdiv, 50 years university of Plovdiv), 24: 661—666. [PDF]
Naumov, B., Tzankov, N., Stojanov, A., Popgeorgiev, G., 2010. Amphibians of lower Danube (Bulgaria) — distribution and cvonservation. — Научна конференция ‘биологично разнообразие и жизнена среда’, 24—25 юни 2010 г. Софийски университет ‘Св. Климент Охридски’, под патронажа на Министъра на околната среда и водите на Република България.
Mollov, I., Popgeorgiev, G. S., Naumov, B. Y., Tzankov, N. D., Stoyanov, A. Y., 2010. Cases of abnormal amplexus in anurans (Amphibia: Anura) from Bulgaria and Greece. — Bihariean Biologist, 4 (2): 121—125.
Tzankov, N., Stojanov, A., 2009. The European pond turtle in Bulgaria. — In: Rogner, M. (ed.), European pond turtle Emys orbicularis. Chelonian library, Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 216—218.
Stojanov, A., Tzankov, N., 2009. Ein ungeklärtes Soazialverhalten beim Grasfrosch (Rana temporaria, Linnaeus 1758) in Bulgarien. — ÖGH — Aktuell, 22: 11—13.
Tzankov, N., Stoyanov, A., 2008. Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768): a new species for Bulgaria from its southernmost known localities. — Salamandra, 44 (3): 153—162.
Naumov, B., Tzankov, N., Stojanov, A., 2007. A new records of Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) (Reptilia: Colubridae) in Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 18: 160.
Biserkov, V. (ed.), Naumov, B., Tsankov, N., Stoyanov, A., Petrov, B., Dobrev, D., Stoev, P., 2007. A Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Bulgaria. — Green Balkans, Sofia, 196 pp. (In Bulgarian).
Stojanov, A., Tzankov, N., 2006. Eine interessante individuelle Pathologie bei der Glattnatter Coronella austriaca in Bulgarien. — Elaphe, 4: 60—61.
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Stojanov, A., 2000. Anomaly on the panzer of the two tortoises (Testudo graeca ibera and Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 11: 97—105.
Stojanov, A., 1997. New data about the Pelobates syriacus balcanicus Kar. in Bulgaria (Amphibia: Anura: Pelobatidae). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 35—39.
Stojanov, A., 1997. Investigations on the growth and ethology of young Mauritanian tortoises — Testudo hermanni hermanni Gmel. (Reptilia: Chelonia: Testudinidae). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 41—58.