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Staff publications

Zdravko Kolev [publications]

Kolev, Z., 2017. Rubrapterus bavius (Eversmann, 1832), a butterfly genus and species new to Bulgaria (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). — ZooNotes, 114: 1—4. [PDF]

Shtinkov, N., Kolev, Z., Vila, R., Dincă, V., 2016. The sibling species Leptidea juvernica and L. sinapis (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in the Balkan Peninsula: ecology, genetic structure, and morphological variation. — Zoology, 119 (1): 11—20. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., Shtinkov, N., 2016. The Pygmy Skipper Gegenes pumilio: a new species to Bulgaria, and a confirmation of its occurrence in the Eastern Balkan Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). — Phegea, 44: 17—22. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., Shtinkov, N., 2015. Notes on the distribution and conservation status of the Violet Copper Lycaena helle (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Bulgaria. — Phegea, 43: 15—21. [PDF]

Shtinkov, N., Kolev, Z., 2014. Pyrgus andromedae (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) at the southernmost limit of its distribution: the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria. — Phegea, 42: 42—46. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., Kullberg, J., Paukkunen, J., 2010. [Euchloe ausonia (Hübner, 1803): a genus and species new to Finland and North Europe]. — Baptria, 2/2010: 42—43. (in Finnish) [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2010. A significant range extension for Pyrgus cacaliae (Rambur, 1839) with the first record from the western Balkan Peninsula (Hesperiidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 33: 107—113. [PDF]

Dincă, V., Kolev, Z., Verovnik, R., 2010. The distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Spinose Skipper Muschampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) at the western limit of its range in Europe (Hesperiidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 33: 39—57. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2005. Notes on the distribution and ecology of Balkan populations of the Plebeius idas - group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Phegea, 33: 13—22. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2005. New data on the taxonomic status and distribution of Polyommatus andronicus Coutsis & Ghavalas, 1995 (Lycaenidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 28: 35—48. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2005. Polyommatus dantchenkoi (Lukhtanov & Wiemers, 2003) tentatively identified as new to Europe, with a description of a new taxon from the Balkan Peninsula (Lycaenidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 28: 25—34. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2003. On the distribution, ecology and conservation status of two little-known Bulgarian butterflies: Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775) and Kirinia climene (Esper, [1783]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). — Linneana belgica, XIX (4): 165—172. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2003. First record of Muschampia cribrellum in Bulgaria, with a review of the recorded distribution of genus Muschampia in the country (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) — Phegea, 31 (1): 15—21. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2003. Book review: Kudrna, O., 2002, The Distribution Atlas of European Butterflies. — Nota lepidopterologica, 25 (4): 280—283. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2003. A final note on the taxon Aricia (Ultraaricia) orpheus and its relationship to Plebeius (Aricia) anteros (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Phegea, 31 (4): 161—166. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2002. The species of Maculinea van Eecke, 1915 in Bulgaria: distribution, state of knowledge and conservation status (Lycaenidae). — Nota lepidopterologica, 25 (2/3): 177—190. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 2002. Critical notes on some recent butterfly records (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea) from Bulgaria and their source collection. — Phegea, 30 (3): 95—101. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., Kullberg, J., 2000. Cupido alcetas (Hoffmansegg, 1804), a new bluewing species to Finland with comments on its distribution in Europe. — Baptria, 25 (4): 157—162. (in Finnish, English summary) [PDF]

Balletto, E., Boomsma, J. J., Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, van Dyck, H., Fiedler, K., Figurny, E., Gadeberg, R. M. E., Goffart, P., L’Honore, J., Kolev, Z., Maes, D., Richard, A., Settele, J., Stadel Nielsen, P., Wynhoff, I. [compiled by Munguira, M., Martín, J.], 1999. Action plan for Maculinea butterflies in Europe. — Nature and environment, No. 97. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg Cedex, 64 pp.

Kolev, Z., 1998. Maculinea arion (L.) in Finland — distribution, state of knowledge and conservation. — Journal of Insect Conservation, 2: 91—93. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., van der Poorten, D., 1997. Review of the distribution of the Balkan endemic Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) aroaniensis (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), with notes on its sympatry with related species. — Phegea, 25 (1): 35—40. [PDF]

Beshkov, S., Kolev, Z., 1996. A new Chersotis Boisduval, 1840 species for the Bulgarian fauna and a second record of its closely related species from Bulgaria with a review of their nomenclature (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae). — Esperiana, 4: 98—102. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., De Prins, W., 1995. A new species of the ‘brown Agrodiaetus’ complex from the Crimea (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Phegea, 23 (2): 119—132. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 1994. Two Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) species new to Bulgaria, with notes on the related Bulgarian taxa (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Phegea, 22 (2): 61—71. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 1994. Spialia phlomidis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1845) confirmed for Bulgaria. — Phegea, 22 (4): 151—155. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 1994. Euchloe penia (Freyer, 1852) from SW Bulgaria (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). — Phegea, 22 (3): 81—83. [PDF]

Kolev, Z., 1993. [Records of new [and] rare Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) from Rhodopi and Rila mountains in South Bulgaria]. — Proceedings of the Second National Entomological Conference, Sofia (1993): 43—45. (in Bulgarian) [PDF]

— 27 publications
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