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Zlatozar Boev [publications] (4)

Боев, З., 2019. Камилите в България. — Природа — БАН, 4: 98—103. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2019. И ръце, и крила. — Осем, 6: 116—123. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2019. Живо украшение. — Осем, 11: 120—125. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2019. Гигантски щраус препускал из Северното Черноморие преди 1,8 млн. г. — Природа — БАН, 4: 88—89. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2019. Гигантски папагал властвал в горите на Нова Зеландия. — Природа — БАН, 4: 80—81. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2019. Втора книга за биоразнообразието на Врачанска планина. — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum — Plovdiv, 4: Online First. [PDF]

Plachiyski, D., Popgeorgiev, G., Avramov, S., Boev, Z., 2018. The Balkan Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus rudolfi Dombrowski, 1912 (Galliformes: Phasianidae): Distribution History and Current Status in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 70 (1): 101—111. [PDF]

Demerdzhiev, D., Dobrev, D., Stoychev, S., Levent, I., Petrov, T., Boev, Z., 2018. Long-term Population Survey of the Eastern Imperial Eagle in the Thracian Eco-region (Bulgaria and Turkey). — Raptors Conservation (Suppl. 1): 111—112. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Wingless fliers. — Osem, 4: 68—75. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. The Wise Delicacy. — Osem, 8: 110—117. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. The National Museum of Natural History in the years around the World War II (1942—1947). — Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 4: 35—40. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. The Moths of the Nigth. — Osem, 9: 104—111. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. National Museum of Natural History in the period 1942—1947 — its difficult recovery, racking development. — In: Cultural memory through time and space. Selected works, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Prof. Dr. Sc. Art Simeon Nedkov. Publ. House of the Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski'. Sofia, 149—157. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Green Giants. — Osem, 6: 94—101. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Birdlife of the Devetashka Cave. — Priroda, BAS, 1: 46—52. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Subfossil fauna from ‘Forum Serdica’ (Sofia City, Bulgaria) of Antiquity (2nd—4th century AD) and Ottoman Epoch (15th—18th century AD) (Excavations 2017). — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum — Plovdiv, 3: 7—13. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Fossil and subfossil record of vertebrate animals (Vertebrata J.-B. Lamarck, 1801) along the Western Black Sea Coast (Bulgaria). — In: Peev, D. et al. (eds). Proceedings of the First European Symposium 'Research, Conservation and Management of Biodiversity of European Seashores' (RCMBES). Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl. 11: 105—110. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Bulgarian Names of Domestic Animals in the Balkan Peninsula and Their Correspondences in the Scientific Literature. — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum — Plovdiv, 3: 1—5. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2018. Birds in everyday life and art in Bulgaria (Thracian and Roman periods). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 27: 3—39. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043998

Boev, Z., 2018. A specimen of little bush moa Anomalopteryx didiformis (Owen, 1844), Emeidae Bonaparte, 1854 from the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 32: 3—5. [PDF] doi:10.48027/hnb.32.01001

Boev, N., Boev, Z., 2018. Aurochs (Bos primigenius Bojanos, 1827) (Artiodactyla — Mammalia) in the nature and culture of Bulgaria. — ZooNotes. Supplement 5. ISSN 1313-9916. Plovdiv University Press 'Paisii Hilendarski'. Plovdiv, 1—120. www.zoonotes.bio.uni-plovdiv.bg. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2018. Форумът на Сердика — зоопантеон под паважа в центъра на София. — Природа, БАН, 4: 62—68. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2018. Птици в дупки. — Осем, 10: 100—107. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2018. Мирис… на минало от пещерата ‘Миризливка’. — Природа, БАН, 3: 68—71. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2018. Живи светлини. — Осем, 10: 106—113. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2018. Докато има пъдпъдъци… (Вместо предговор). В: Няголов, К. Пъдпъдъкът — удивителен, но уязвим. — Изд. ЕТ ‘Бургаски езера’, София, 4. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2018. Граф Филип Алеон на посещение в Националния природонаучен музей — БАН. — Информационен бюлетин — БАН, 3: 13—14. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. The National Museum of Natural History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Second birth (1972—1974). — Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 6: 77—79. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. On the breeding of some mouse-like rodents (Muroidea Illiger, 1811) from Ograzhden Mountain (Southwestern Bulgaria). — In: Ivanov, I. (ed.). A collection of papers of the National Scientific Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the Teacher’s Institute in Smolyan and the 20th anniversary of its transformation into a branch of the Plovdiv University 'Paisii Hilendarski'. Education and science for personal and social development. Book 2. Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics. Technical sciences. Biology and Chemistry. Medicine. Smolyan, 27—28 October 2017. Plovdiv University 'Paisii Hilendarski', Branch — Smolyan. 45—54. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. New data on the subfossil fauna from ‘Forum Serdica’ (Sofia City, Bulgaria; 3rd—19th century AD). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 24: 179—186. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043969

Boev, Z., 2017. Late Neolithic and Late Antiquity avian finds of Chavdarova Cheshma (Simeonovgrad, Haskovo Region). — ZooNotes, 111: 1—3. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. Fossil records of Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotoidea Gray, 1821), Chalicotheres (Chalicotherioidea Gill, 1872) and Brontotheres (Brontotherioidea (Marsh, 1873) (Peryssodactyla Owen, 1848 — Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758) in Bulgaria. — Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Plovdiv, 2: 1—7. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. Fossil record of Tapirs (Tapirus Brünnich, 1772) (Tapiridae Gray, 1821 — Peryssodactyla Owen, 1848) in Bulgaria. — ZooNotes, 108: 1—3. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. Fossil and subfossil record of Reptiles (Reptilia Laurenti, 1768) in Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 24: 165—178. [PDF] doi:10.5281/zenodo.4043967

Boev, Z., 2017. Fossil and Subfossil Record of Vertebrate Animals (Vertebrata J.-B. Lamarck, 1801) along the Western Black Sea Coast (Bulgaria). — In: Georgieva, E., Peev, D. (eds). First European Symposium: Research, Conservation and Management of Biodiversity in the European Seashores. RCMBES 2017. Primorsko, Bulgaria, 8—12 May 2017. Book of Abstracts. Avangard Prima, 2017. ISBN 978-619-160-793-8., p. 30. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. Fossil and Subfossil Record of Species of the Genus Lynx Kerr, 1792 (Mammalia: Felidae) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 69 (3): 303—306. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. Bone remains of the Late Antiquity — Early Medieval deposits of the National Academy of Art (Sofia, Bulgaria). — Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Plovdiv, 2: 9—11. [PDF]

Boev, Z., 2017. Avian finds from the Early Neolithic settlement near Kapitan-Dimitrievo village (Pazardzhik Region). — ZooNotes, 112: 1—3. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Тапирите в България. — Природа, БАН, 3: 8—13. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Реколта: ХХ век. — Осем, 9: 60—67. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Птиците и водната среда — днес и в миналото. — Природа, БАН, 1: 26—32. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Прилетци в Европа. — Осем, 6: 68—75. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Пера на острова. — Осем, 8: 120—129. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Носорози в страна на рози. — Осем, 7: 82—89. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Неканени гости, понякога и нежелани. — Осем, 4: 54—64. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Кунино — поглед към плейстоценската природа на България. — Природа, БАН, 4: 34—41. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Кукуригу пътешественик. — Осем, 12: 116—125. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Зубърът на класа. — Осем, 11: 126—131. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Ергилорнисите — жеравовият вариант на щраусите. — Природа, БАН, 2: 64—68. [PDF]

Боев, З., 2017. Витална Витоша. — Осем, 10: 116—123. [PDF]

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