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Dr Boyan Zlatkov
Dr Boyan Zlatkov

Boyan Zlatkov

(Associate, Dr)

Born on: 17 May 1982 in Sofia. Entomologist.

Education: 2005 — Sofia Unversity 'St. Kliment Ohridski', biology, biologist — master of entomology; 2011 — Sofia Unversity 'St. Kliment Ohridski', doctor of entomology.

Research interests

Taxonomy and morphology of Tortricidae, taxonomy and faunistics of Macrolepidoptera.

Field research

Bulgaria and neighbouring countries (since 2000), Georgia (2014), Armenia (2014), Kazakhstan (2016).

Current projects

SusTaining AgriCultural ChAnge Through ecological engineering and Optimal use of natural resources. Financed by the EC, Horizon 2020, BiodivERsA programme, 2016 — 1019

Described taxa

Epinotia nigristriana Budashkin & Zlatkov, 2011
Cydia transcaucasica Budashkin & Zlatkov, 2012
Cydia suffuscana Zlatkov & Budashkin, 2012
Cydia centralasiae elegantana Budashkin & Zlatkov, 2012
Dichrorampha dinarica Huemer, Zlatkov & Baixeras, 2012
Dichrorampha sakartvelana Zlatkov, 2016


Societas europaea lepidopterologica

Most recent publications

Vergilov, V., Zlatkov, B., 2024. Morphology of hemipenes and its taxonomic implication in the fused eyelids species of the genus Ablepharus (Squamata: Scincidae). — Zoologischer Anzeiger, 312: 79—91. doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2024.07.009 [PDF]

Zlatkov, B., Vergilov, V., Santa‑Rita, J. V. P., Baixeras, J., 2023. First 3-D reconstruction of copulationin Lepidoptera: interaction of genitalia in Tortrix viridana (Tortricidae). — Frontiers in Zoology. doi:10.1186/s12983-023-00500-4 [PDF]

Zlatkov, B., Vergilov, V., Sivilov, O., Pérez Santa‑Rita, J. V., Baixeras, J., 2022. New approaches for studying the functional anatomy of the phallus in Lepidoptera. — Zoomorphology. doi:10.1007/s00435-022-00566-4 [PDF]

Tsvetanov, Ts., Zlatkov, B., 2022. Klimeschia transversella (Zeller, 1839), a new species for Bulgaria (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Douglasiidae). — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 44 (5): 37—40. [PDF] doi:10.48027/hnb.44.051

Zlatkov, B., Beshkov, S., Huemer, P., 2021. New Noctuoidea taxa from the Silver Coast of Bulgaria (Insecta: Lepidoptera). — Ecologica Montenegrina, 46: 98—119. doi:10.37828/em.2021.46.8 [PDF]

Nedyakov, N., Vergilov, V., Zlatkov, B., 2021. Penis morphology of two European mole species (Soricomorpha, Talpidae). — Biologia. doi:10.1007/s11756-021-00738-5

Zlatkov, B., Stefanov, S., Gashtarov, V., Vergilov, V., 2020. New records of Hierodula transcaucasica Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 (Mantodea) from Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 41: 99—101. [PDF] doi:10.48027/hnb.41.12003

Zlatkov, B., Huemer, P., 2019. Remarkable confusion in some Western Palearctic Clepsis leads to a revised taxonomic concept (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). — ZooKeys, 885: 51—87.

Tsvetanov, T., Zlatkov, B., 2019. Scythris sinensis (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875), a new species for Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Scythrididae). — ZooNotes, 146: 1—2.

Todorov, I., Stojanova, A., Zlatkov, B., Hristov, G., Melika, G., 2019. New Data on the Parasitoid-Inquiline Community of Andricus quercustozae (Bosc, 1792) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 71 (2): 301—303.

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