On the high peaks of Africa — [31 March 2009] — A short time ago, biologist Boyan Petrov from the National Museum of National History, Sofia, came back from an expedition in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, where he had climbed the three…
The British Council and the NMNHS present the exhibition 'Darwin Now' — [26 February 2009] — From 4th March to 12th April the British Council and the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia shall present the exhibition 'Darwin Now', which gives information on Charles Darwin's…
'Museum of the spider' exhibition to be opened at NMNHS — [8 January 2009] — A temporary exhibition 'Museum of the spider' will be opened at 02:00 PM on 10 January 2009 in the foyer of the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, located at 1 Tsar Osvoboditel…
The National Museum of Natural History in Sofia with a new site — [5 January 2009] — The National Museum of Natural History in Sofia (NMNHS) launched a new bilingual (in English and Bulgarian) website. The site is already available at www.nmnhs.com. It is expected that…