Exhibition 'Bulgarian Ramsar sites' — [1 February 2012] — The Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research of BAS and the National Museum of Natural History of BAS are pleased to announced the exhibition 'Bulgarian Ramsar sites'…
The paintings of Assen Ignatov — [9 December 2011] — The National Museum of Natural History and Assen Ignatov are pleased to invite you to an exhibition celebrating 20 years since his first art exhibit. The opening will take place at…
Romantic temptation — [16 September 2011] — The National Museum of Natural History presents Robert Baramov's project 'BG PARADISE - elite art on every table in every home' - cycle installations, which will take place simultaneously…
Black Sea: North — South — [7 June 2011] — The Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, the Institute for Fishery Resources — Varna, and the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia present an exhibition of Alexander Ivanov…
Sensory and cognitive ecology of bats — [2 June 2011] — The Bat Research and Conservation Centre at the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia is pleased to invite you at the public talk of Prof. Bjoern M. Siemers, head of the Sensory…
'Final Destination' at NMNHS — [9 May 2011] — On 30 April 2011 the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia took part in the race 'Final Destination'. In a tight five hour race the event gathered 120 participants from different…