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Dimitar Kaynarov

(PhD student)
phonе: (+359 89) 5054543; e-mail:

Born on 30 March 1992, Peshtera.


Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Biology, Bachelor’s degree in biology (2016).
Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Biology, Master’s degree in entomology (2018).
Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski, Faculty of Biology, Master’s degree in microbiology (2019).
National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, PhD student, speciality entomology (2019—2022).

Since 2019 — chemist in laboratory “Chemistry and biophysics of proteins and enzymes” — IOCCP-BAS.

Research interests
Faunistics; taxonomy; systematics and protection of butterflies and moths from the group Macrolepidoptera (Lepidoptera) in Bulgaria.

Biochemistry and biophysical chemistry of proteins and enzymes, proteomics; glycomics; research and application of natural and physiologically active substances.

Current projects

NSP “Innovative low-toxic biological agents for precision medicine (BioActiveMed)”

Field research

Macrolepidoptera of Besaparski Ridove Hills
Macrolepidoptera of Rila Mts


Kaynarov, D., Dolashki, A., Boyanova, O., Velkova, L., Voelter, W., Dolashka, P., 2020. Investigation of antitumor potential of hemocyanins from gastropodan against Т24 bladder carcinoma. — Scientific conference “Ecological Products for Health”, 4—8 October 2020, Spa Hotel Kleptuza, Velingrad, Bulgaria.

Nahirnić, A., Beshkov, S., Kaynarov, D., 2019. New records of Adscita obscura (Zeller, 1847) (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Procridinae) on the Balkan Peninsula. — Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Plovdiv, 4: 15—19. [PDF]

Kaynarov, D., Andreev, I., Dipchikova, S., 2017. Data on butterflies and moths from the region of Slaveyno, Western Rhodope Mountains (Insecta, Lepidoptera) — Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski Faculte de Biologie.