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Volume 16 (2004) (contents)

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— 20 September 2004
Professor Ivan Kostov (24.XII.1913–31.III.2004) — in memoriam

pp. 5–6

— views: 78
A catalogue of the mineral species in the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (Part 2) Silicates
Chavdar Karov; Iliya Dimitrov

pp. 7–45

— views: 75
Академик Васил Големански на 70 години [Professor Vassil Golemansky at seventy years of age]
Аноним [Anonymous]

p. 46

— views: 56
Crustacés des eaux souterraines karstiques des montagnes de Vitocha et de Golo bardo (Bulgarie Occidentale): composition taxonomique, caractéristique générale et répartition spatiale dans le karst
Ivan Pandourski; Apostol Apostolov

pp. 47–57

— views: 74
Втора книга за совите [Second book on the owls]
Златозар Боев [Zlatozar Boev]

p. 58

— views: 67
Paralaophonte livingstoni n. sp. (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) — un nouveau représentant de l’île de Livingstone, Antarctique
Apostol Apostolov

pp. 59–67

— views: 101
Експедиция “Памир—2003” — зоологични наблюдения и сборове [Expedition “Pamir—2003” — zoological observations and collections]
Боян Петров [Boyan Petrov]

p. 68

— views: 80
Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) des eaux souterraines de l’Albanie
Apostol Apostolov

pp. 69–72

— views: 62
Contribution à l’étude des Isopodes terrestres de Grèce. 5. Alistratia beroni n. gen. n. sp. (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Trichoniscidae)
Stoitze Andreev

pp. 73–80

— views: 143
Centipedes (Chilopoda) from Greece in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia
Pavel Stoev

pp. 81–88

— views: 72
Contribution to the Bulgarian fauna of Heteroptera
Nikolay Simov; Michail Josifov

pp. 89–94

— views: 72
Revised checklist of Histeridae (Coleoptera) in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia
Eugeni Chehlarov

pp. 95–107

— views: 59
Първо находище на Nemoptera sinuata Olivier (Nemopteridae) в Средна Стара планина [First record of Nemoptera sinuata Olivier (Nemopteridae) in the Central Stara Planina Mts.]
Димитър Димитров [Dimitar Dimitrov]

p. 108

— views: 63
Amphotis orientalis Reiche, 1861 in Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
Borislav Guéorguiev

pp. 109–112

— views: 68
Eucinetidae — a new family to the fauna of Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea)
Borislav Guéorguiev

pp. 113–117

— views: 77
First record of Trechoblemus micros (Herbst, 1784) in Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini)
Borislav Guéorguiev

p. 118

— views: 49
New record of Vipera ursinii (Bonaparte, 1835) in Bulgaria
Krassimir Hristov; Georgi Russev; Alexander Westerström; Vladimir Beshkov

pp. 119–121

— views: 80
Нова монография за паяците на Сърбия [New monograph on the spiders of Serbia]
Петър Берон [Petar Beron]

p. 122

— views: 63
Средно- и къснохолоценски птици от находища в източната част на Горнотракийската низина (Южна България) [Middle and Late Holocene birds from the Eastern Upper Thracian Plane (S Bulgaria)]
Златозар Боев [Zlatozar Boev]

pp. 123–132

— views: 65
New data on the Holocene distribution of the Southern Birch Mouse (Sicista subtilis (Pallas, 1773)) in Bulgaria
Ivan Mitev

pp. 133–138

— views: 67
The fossil proboscideans of Bulgaria and the importance of some Bulgarian finds — a brief review
Georgi N. Markov

pp. 139–150

— views: 69
The dromedary domestication problem: 3000 BC rock art evidence for the existence of wild One-humped camel in Central Arabia
Nikolai Spassov; Todor Stoytchev

pp. 151–158

— views: 57
The presence of cave hyaena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) in the Upper Palaeolithic rock art of Europe
Nikolai Spassov; Todor Stoytchev

pp. 159–166

— views: 67
Изложбата “Русенски природоизпитатели” в Националния природонаучен музей [The exhibition “Roussean naturalists” in the National Museum of Natural History Sofia]
Мая Василева [Maya Vasileva]

pp. 167–168

— views: 58

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