Mario Langourov; Nikolay Simov; Stanislav Abadjiev
20 December 2022 ·
volume 44 · (
issue 11) · pp. 137–144 ·
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Abstract: During a brief visit of Alonnisos Island in 2022 some insect species (mainly butterflies) were observed and photographed. Three of them are new for the island’s fauna – the giant Asian mantis Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869, western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910, millet skipper Pelopidas thrax (Hübner, [1821]). Their establishment on the island is not a surprise, but it well illustrates the expansion of these species in the Mediterranean area. A list of the observed butterflies is also provided.
Keywords: Alonnisos, Bulgaria, butterflies, Greece, insects, invasive alien species, new records
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