Vladislav Vergilov
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7464-2263; Nikolay Tzankov
19 October 2021 ·
volume 43 · (
issue 3) · pp. 29–42 ·
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Abstract: So far, in Bulgaria several fossils of extinct anuran species have been found, but all seem doubtful. Only two pelobatid remains have been found from the Balkans and the regions – younger species (Late Pleistocene) of the genus Pelobates from Serbia and Miocene Pelobates sp. from Turkey. The fossil in the current study represents a larva of the genus Eopelobates, the first discovery of this genus not only for Bulgaria but for the Balkans as well. This pelobatid larva is gigantic, more than 200 mm in total length. The fossil is found in a diatomitian complex from the middle Miocene.
Keywords: development, extinct, Eopelobates, frontoparietal complex, gigantism, skeleton
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