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Two species of Psocoptera (Insecta) as new records to the Bulgarian fauna with a country checklist

Dilian Georgiev https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2885-4895

24 September 2020 · volume 41 · [issue 9] · pp. 71–75 · PDF [full text]

Abstract: Two species of Psocoptera (Insecta) are reported as new to the Bulgarian fauna: Philotarsus parviceps (Philotarsidae) and Loensia fasciata (Psocidae). After this publication, the list of known barkfly species in the country contains a total of 67 species. A checklist is provided with references to the original records.

Keywords: Balkans, barkflies, distribution

References [29]

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Cite as

Georgiev D. 2020 Two species of Psocoptera (Insecta) as new records to the Bulgarian fauna with a country checklist. Historia naturalis bulgarica 41: 71–75.

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