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Citations of ‘Simov N., Grozeva S., Langourov M., Georgieva M., Mirchev P., Georgiev G. 2018 Rapid expansion of the Oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in Bulgaria — Historia naturalis bulgarica 27: 51–55’


[1] Derjanschi V., Mocreac N. 2018 Tigrul stejarului Corythucha arcuata — specie nouă invazivă în fauna Republicii Moldova. Buletin Ştiinţific. Revistă de Etnografie, Ştiinţele Naturii şi Muzeologie 28 (41): 30–35.

[2] Tomescu R., Olenici N., Netoiu C., Balacenoiu F., Buzatu A. 2018 Invasion of the oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say.) in Romania: a first extended reporting. Annals of Forest Research 61 (2): 161–170. https://doi.org/10.15287/afr.2018.1187

[3] Борисов Б.А., Карпун Н.Н., Бибин А.Р., Грабенко Е.А., Ширяева Н.В., Лянгузов М.Е. 2018 Новые данные о трофических связях инвазионного клопа дубовой кружевницы Corythucha arcuata (Heteroptera: Tingidae) в Краснодарском крае и Республике Адыгея по результатам исследований в 2018 году. Субтропическое и декоративное садоводство (67): 188–203. https://doi.org/10.31360/2225-3068-2018-67-188-203

[4] Dara S.K., Montalva C., Barta M. 2019 Microbial control of invasive forest pests with entomopathogenic fungi: A review of the current situation. Insects 10 (10) 341. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10100341

[5] Faraci F. 2019 Ritrovamento di Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera, Tingidae) a Verona con note sulla morfologia e diffusione del genere Corythucha Stål, 1873 nella regione paleartica. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 43: 19–24.

[6] Lolić H., Dautbašić M., Mujezinović O., Zahirović K. 2019 Novi nalazi hrastove mrežaste stjenice (Corythucha arcuata Say) u Bosni i Hercegovini. Naše Šume 17 (56/57): 12–21.

[7] Sotirovski K., Srebrova K., Nacheski S. 2019 First records of the oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832)(Hemiptera: Tingidae) in North Macedonia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica 27 (2): 91–98.

[8] Бенчева С., Дойчев Д. 2019 Глава 7. Оценка на състоянието на наблюдаваните дървета и насаждения. В: Павлова Е. и др. Мониторинг на горските екосистеми. Биологични показатели. Х район. Странджа. ПъблишСайСет – Еко, София, 88–108.

[9] Bălăcenoiu F., Buzatu A., Toma D., Alexandru A., Nețoiu C. 2020 Occurrence of invasive insects on woody plants in the main green areas from Bucharest city. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 48 (3): 1649–1666. https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha48311903

[10] Csóka G., Hirka A., Mutun S., Glavendekić M., Mikó Á., Szőcs L., Paulin M., Eötvös C.B., Gáspár C., Csepelényi M., Szénási Á. 2020 Spread and potential host range of the invasive oak lace bug [Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832)—Heteroptera: Tingidae] in Eurasia. Agricultural and forest entomology 22 (1): 61–74. https://doi.org/10.1111/afe.12362

[11] Kovács G.E., Nagy A., Radócz L., Szarukán I. 2020 Appearance of oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata Say, 1832) on sweet chestnut in Hungary (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Folia Oecologica 47 (2): 140–143. https://doi.org/10.2478/foecol-2020-0016

[12] Zielińska A., Lis B. 2020 Ocena możliwości potencjalnej ekspansji prześwietlika dębowego Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832), inwazyjnego gatunku z rodziny Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), na tereny Polski. Heteroptera Poloniae — Acta Faunistica 14: 175–180. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4038900

[13] Bălăcenoiu F., Japelj A., Bernardinelli I., Castagneyrol B., Csóka G., Glavendekić M., Hoch G., Hrašovec B., Krajter Ostoić S., Paulin M., Williams D., Witters J., de Groot M. 2021 Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera, Tingidae) in its invasive range in Europe: perception, knowledge and willingness to act in foresters and citizens. NeoBiota 69*: 133–153. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.69.71851

[14] Bălăcenoiu F., Nețoiu C., Tomescu R., Simon D.C., Buzatu A., Toma D., Petrițan I.C. 2021 Chemical Control of Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832), an Invasive Alien Species, in Oak Forests. Forests 12 (6): 770. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12060770

[15] Kern A., Marjanović H., Csóka G., Móricz N., Pernek M., Hirka A., Matošević D., Paulin M., Kovač G. 2021 Detecting the oak lace bug infestation in oak forests using MODIS and meteorological data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 306: 108436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108436

[16] Marković Č., Dobrosavljević J., Milanović S. 2021 Factors Influencing the Oak Lace Bu (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Behavior on Oaks: Feeding Preference Does not Mean Better Performance? Journal of Economic Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab148

[17] Павлова Е., Павлов Д., Дончева-Бонева М., Бенчева С., Дойчев Д., Кузманова Р., Митков С., Кадинов Г., Попова Г. 2021 Мониторинг на горските екосистеми. Биологични показатели. VII район Западни Родопи. Издателство ПъблишСайСет – Еко, София, 132 с.

[18] de Groot M., Ogris N., van der Meij M., Pocock M.J.O. 2022 Where to search: the use of opportunistic data for the detection of an invasive forest pest. Biological Invasions (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-022-02857-9

[19] Bracalini M., Rizzo D., Panzavolta T. 2023 Updates on the invasive oak lace bug, Corythucha arcuata, in Italy. Bulletin of Insectology 76 (1): 37–43.

[20] Stancă-Moise C., Moise G., Rotaru M., Vonica G., Sanislau D. 2023 Study on the Ecology, Biology and Ethology of the Invasive Species Corythucha arcuata Say, 1832 (Heteroptera: Tingidae), a Danger to Quercus spp. in the Climatic Conditions of the City of Sibiu, Romania. Forests 14 (6): 1278. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14061278

[21] Zúbrik M., Barta M., Lalík M., Nikolov C., Rell S., Kunca A., Gubka A., Vakula J., Galko J., Leontovyč R., Kulfan J., Holuša J. 2023 [Spread of the non-native oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata on the territory of Slovakia in 2022.] Časopis lesníckej ochranárskej služby 4 (1): 98–102.

[22] Marković Č., Kanjevac B., Perišić U., Dobrosavljević J. 2024 The effect of the oak powdery mildew, oak lace bug, and other foliofagous insects on the growth of young pedunculate oak trees. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1297560

Additional self-citations: 2

[1] Georgieva M., Georgiev G., Mirchev P., Filipova E. 2019 Monitoring on appearance and spread of harmful invasive pathogens and pests in Belasitsa Mountain. Proceedings of the X International Scientific Agricultural Symposium Agrosym 2019, 1887–1892.

[2] Georgieva M., Georgiev G., Ivanov M., Tyufekchiev K., Belilov S., Dodev Y., Glogov P., Georgieva M.L., Popov G., Madzhov S. 2022 Integrated approach for health status assessment of urban forests in the municipalities of Etropole and Pravets, Bulgaria. Silva Balcanica 23 (1): 89–102. https://doi.org/10.3897/silvabalcanica.23.e91220

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