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Fernando Gómez Velasco
Fernando Gómez Velasco

Fernando Gómez Velasco

phone: (+34) 608664219; e-mail:

Born: 15 September 1982, Segovia (Spain).

Coca Forestry Foremen School (Segovia — Spain) (2002—2004); Technician in Forest Works and Conservation of the Natural Environment

Research interests

Wildlife tracking; zoology and etology; ecology, biodiversity and environmental conservation and protection.

Current projects

Research in ‘European project for wildlife tracking’ for publication of guide of tracks and signs of European fauna, publisher Omega (2010—2021)

Professional experience

Director-founder of the commercial brand ‘Servicio de Rastreo Forestal’ (Forestry Tracking Service) SERAFO (2010—)
Director of the Scientific Tracking Department of the Chelonia Association (Spain) (2014—)
Director of the Ibero-American Division of the Scott Donelan Tracking School (2018—)
Director and tracker of the Arguedas Project ‘Door to the Bardenas Reales’ for the city council of Arguedas (Navarra — Spain) (2020)
Professional tracker in anti-poaching campaign at Reserva Jicarilla Apache in New Mexico (United States) (2019)
Director and tracker of the catalog of signs of fauna of the autonomous community of La Rioja (Spain) (2018—2019)
Scientific advisor, naturalist-tracker at Terra Incógnita Docs SL. In Wild Hunters documentary (2017—2019)
Management and execution of Inventory of the footprints and traces of the fauna of Corella (Navarra — Spain) (2017)
Specialist professor of wildlife tracking for ‘Agroforestal Integrated Center’ (Pamplona — Spain) (2015—2020)
Management and execution of the project for the integral tracking of wild fauna within the Project of ‘Vivencia Dehesa. Tajo Valdepajares Reserve, Private Area of Ecological Interest’ (Extremadura — Spain) (2015—2020)
Specialist professor and tracker guide for CENEAM, National Center for Environmental Education (Segovia — Spain) (2014—2020)
Monitoring, tracking and location of invasive species (raccoon), Dept. Natural Environment of the Government of La Rioja (Spain) (2014)
Location and capture of the american mink for the European Mink Association, for the protection of the european mink in its natural habitat in the Najerilla river (La Rioja — Spain) (2014)
Live tracking, location and capture of invasive mammalian species semi-aquatic. Control of american mink and european beaver and scientific capture of european mink in the La Rioja and Aragon regions (Spain). Tragsatec public company (2011)
Scientific шracking еxpeditions for the ‘European Wildlife Tracking Project’ in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Austria, Great Britain, Gibraltar, Andorra, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria and Armenia (2010—2020)
Coordinator of amphibian and reptile tracking projects for the Chelonia Association
Biodiversity Foundation Projects, Ministry of Environment (Spain) (2010—2017)
Nature guide-environmental interpreter, Hoces del Río Duratón Natural Park, Cañada Real Soriana Occidental and Los Enebralejos Archaeological Park and Cave, Segovia (Spain). Naturaltur company (2004—2007)

Most recent publications

Troya, P., Gómez, F., 2020. Rastreadores colaboran en una reserva india de Nuevo México. — Quercus, 412: 46—47.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2018. Simplified guide for human tracking. — Neoicnology & human footprints analysis. Pamplona. Ed. Fernando Gómez Velasco.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2018. Rastreo. — En Romero, J. V., Jabalera, M., Koester, R. (coord.), Manual de búsqueda y salvamento terrestre. Volumen I: Búsqueda en entorno rural (pp. 570—608). Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2018. Guía simplificada de rastreo humano. — Neoicnología y análisis de huellas humanas. Pamplona. Ed. Fernando Gómez Velasco.

Troya, P., Gómez, F., 2017. Elvia la rastreadora: tras las huellas de los renos de Papá Noel: mi primera guía de huellas de animales del norte de Europa. — Pamplona. Ed. Fernando Gómez Velasco.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., Pérez, E., 2017. Corella, Tierra Salvaje. Un acercamiento a su fauna a través de los rastros. — Pamplona. Ed. Fernando Gómez Velasco.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2017. Rastreo humano. Indicios de presencia. Huellas, rastros y señales. — Pamplona. Ed. Fernando Gómez Velasco.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2016. Rastreo aplicado a prevención de riesgos por fauna salvaje. — Pure Survival. Agosto 2016, 12—23.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2016. Indicios de presencia animal. Parte I. Las huellas. — Pure Survival. Mayo 2016, 15—21.

Gómez, F., Troya, P., 2016. Indicios de presencia animal (II). Excrementos y otros indicios. — Pure Survival. Junio 2016, 18—26.

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