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Dr Ilya Fabian Acosta. Photo: (c) Assen Ignatov
Dr Ilya Fabian Acosta. Photo: (c) Assen Ignatov

Ilya Fabian Acosta

(Senior Assistant, Dr)
phone: (+359 88) 5673660; e-mail:

Born: 9 September 1983, Sofia.
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, biologist with further specialisation in ecology. Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia (2002—2008)
Educational and scientific degree Doctor (PhD), scientific specialty zoology, National Museum of Natural History — Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2014—2022)

Research interests

Mammals’ zoology and ecology, biodiversity and environmental conservation.

Current projects

Geometric morphometry of bat wings in relation to their ecological adaptations
Studying the ecology, territoriality and density of the golden jackal (Canis aureus)
Bat expert in the ABMS pilot project Automated monitoring of birds, bats and nocturnal insects by sound and image recognition in Bulgaria (2024—2025)
Data and technology for inventory, rapid identification and monitoring of endangered wildlife and other species. Monitoring of mammals in the Central Balkan under project No. 101060954 NATURE FIRST under the HORIZON-CL6-BIODIV-01-02 programme of the European Commission (2022—2025)

Professional experience

Manager of the project: Jackal (Canis aureus) ecology: territoriality and population density in Bulgaria and in the border region with Romania and the Republic of Macedonia (2016—2017).
Field study of birds and mammals in the regions of Gumes (Tamaulipas) and Cansahcab (Yucatan) in Mexico (2015).
Expedition of the National Museum of Natural History to north-east Turkey, for the study of big carnivores (2015).
Monitoring of the jackal population in the Danube Delta (Romania) (2013 and 2015).
Mapping and identification of conservation status of bats populations. Project ‘Mapping and identification of conservation status of natural habitats and species Phase I’. European Union, Operational Program ‘Environment 2007—2013’, Consortium ‘Natura Bulgaria’ and Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria (2011—2012).
Lecturer in the topic ‘Environmental education’. Project ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’, Tallinn, Estonia. European Union, Youth in Action Program (2011).
Field Assistant: Sampling of the mammal fauna in the municipality of Valencia, Córdoba Region, Colombia, Natural Science Institute, National University of Colombia Bogotá (2008).
Experimental design and sampling of bats within a project for elaboration of Environmental Management Plan, Trinidad Municipality, Casanare Region, Colombia (2008).
Assistant in Practical Module ‘Mammals’ as a part of Introduction to Animal’s Systematics Course, Natural Science Institute, National University of Colombia Bogota (2006 and 2007).
Management and rehabilitation of wildlife, Wild Animals Rescue and Rehabilitation Unit, URRAS, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, National University of Colombia, Bogota (2005—2006).
White-footed Tamarin (Saguinus leucopus): Behavioral categories assessment in captivity conditions, Piscilago Zoo, Colsubsidio, Melgar, Tolima Department, Colombia (2005).

Most recent publications

Kolev, M., Acosta-Pankov, I., Toshkova, N., Deleva, S., 2024. Acoustic study of urban bat diversity in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 46 (10): 273—284. doi:10.48027/hnb.46.103

Ranc, N., Acosta-Pankov, I., Balys, V., Bučko, J., Cirovic, D., Fabijanić, N., Filacorda, S., Giannatos, G., Guimaraes, N., Hatlauf, J., Heltai, M., Ionescu, O., Ivanov, G., Jansman, H., Kowalczyk, R., Krofel, M., Kutal, M., Lanszki, J., Lapini, L., … Zimmermann, F., 2022. Distribution of large carnivores in Europe 2012 — 2016: Distribution map for Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) [Data set]. — Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6382216

Konstantinov, Y., Spassov, N., Acosta-Pankov, I., 2022. First records of golden jackal and European badger non-antagonistic interaction at the Lower Danube (Bulgaria). — North-Western Journal of Zoology, 18 (1): 100—103.

Spassov, N., Askerov, E., Ignatov, A., Acosta-Pankov, I., 2021. New data on the status of the jungle cat (Felis chaus Schreber, 1777) in Azerbaijan. — Historia naturalis bulgarica, 42: 1—3. doi:10.48027/hnb.42.011

Spassov, N., Askerov, E., Akosta-Pankov, I., Ignatov, A., 2019. New data on the occurrence of Panthera pardus in the Talysh Mountains, Azerbaijan (Carnivora: Felidae). — Lynx, 50: 113—118.

Spassov, N., Acosta-Pankov, I., 2019. Dispersal history of the golden jackal (Canis aureus moreoticus Geoffroy, 1835) in Europe and possible causes of its recent population explosion. — Biodiversity Data Journal, 7: e34825. doi:10.3897/BDJ.7.e34825

Ranc, N., Álvares, F., Banea, O. C., Berce, T., Cagnacci, F., Červinka, J., Ćirović, D., Cosic, N., Giannatos, G., Hatlauf, J., Heltai, M., Hostnig, Z., Ivanov, G., Lanszki, J., Lapini, L., Maiorano, L., Melovski, D., Migli, D., Mladenovič, J., Acosta-Pankov, I., Penezić, A., Petrova, A., Šálek, M., Selanec, I., Selimović, A., Sforna, T., Stojanov, A., Szabó, L., Trbojević, I., Trbojević, T., Krofel, M., 2018. The golden jackal in Europe: Where to go next? — Proceedings of the 2nd International Jackal Symposium, Marathon Bay, Attiki Province, Greece, Hell. Zool. Arch., No. 9. ISSN: 1106-2134.

Banea, O. C., Acosta-Pankov, I., Farkas, A., Parfon, L., Nemola, F., Comazzi, C., 2018. Invasibility study on golden jackal suitable habitats from the Danube Delta using bioacoustic monitoring and camera trapping methods. — Proceedings of the 2nd International Jackal Symposium, Marathon Bay, Attiki Province, Greece, Hell. Zool. Arch., No. 9. ISSN: 1106-2134.

Acosta-Pankov, I., Spassov, N., Banea, O. C., 2018. Seasonal differences in golden jackals (Canis aureus L. 1758) howling response in Eastern Bulgaria. — Proceedings of the 2nd International Jackal Symposium, Marathon Bay, Attiki Province, Greece, Hell. Zool. Arch., No. 9. ISSN: 1106-2134.

Acosta-Pankov, I., Spassov, N., Banea, O. C., 2018. Seasonal Differences in Howling Response of Golden Jackals Canis aureus L. 1758 (Mammalia: Canidae) in Eastern Bulgaria. — Acta zoologica bulgarica, 70 (4): 539—545.

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