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The 2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working group meeting will be held in Sofia

The 2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working group meeting will be held in Sofia

14 February 2024 18:30

From 2—6.10.2024 in the Conference room of the Museum for the History of Sofia a Medieval Period Working group conference will take place with a focus on the animals of the Middle Ages (7th—16th century AD).

Two keynote speakers have been confirmed so far. The first is Dr David Orton from the University of York, who will introduce his research on small fauna (fish and rodents) and the exciting RATUS project, which is focused on Medieval trade routes and the spread of the plague in Europe.

The second keynote speaker is Prof. Zlatozar Boev from the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (NMNHS), who will discuss the birds in medieval Bulgarian assemblages.

The event will unite researchers from Europe, Central Asia, and the USA, all working with medieval faunal assemblages. This is the first archaeozoological themed conference taking place in Bulgaria.

The event is organized by the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (NMNHS) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NAIM—BAS), and the Museum for the History of Sofia.

Abstract submission is open on the event’s official website: https://mwgsofia2024.weebly.com/.

The International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) is the biggest non-profit organisation of archaeozoologists with over 500 members, which gives researchers working with faunal remains the opportunity to host themed meetings under “working groups”, network, exchange research, and offer support to students who wish to attend scientific forums in the field.

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