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The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide

Book presentation: The Encyclopedia of Animals

25 September 2009 17:20

The Bulgarian edition of ‘The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide’ by Jenni Bruce at al. will be presented in the foyer of the first floor of the museum on Monday, 28 September 2009, 17:00. This is the latest book of Fyut Publishing House, translated and edited by Prof. DSc Zlatozar Boev. The ‘Encyclopedia’ is the most comprehensive single volume publication on the animals ever printed in Bulgaria.

Presentation of the book is devoted to the World Animal Day, 4 October. The decision to celebrate this day has been taken in 1931 at the International Congress of the supporters of the movement for nature protection in Florence, Italy. The day has been chosen because then the Catholic Church celebrates the Saint Francis’ Day, patron saint of animals.

From 10:00 to 18:00 hrs on 28 September, a temporary stand of Fyut Publishing House will be opened, offering special discounts on this and other books.

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